Product Review: Three Dog Bakery
Markus’ Gotcha Day cake from Three Dog Bakery
Like so many of you, my wife and I are meticulous shoppers. Whether it be online or in-person, we tend to put a lot of research into the things we purchase so that we know we're putting our hard-earned money on the proper products. There are so many options for even basic items like leashes and collars that it's easy to get lost in what we're buying.
We will be writing reviews as we purchase and use these items ourselves. As you do your research for products you're planning to buy, our goal is to add another layer to that research.
We've had Markus for just over a year now and during that time, we've been invited to a few dog birthday parties. At these parties - usually at dog parks where they run and play for hours - there's often also been a cake for the dogs. Whenever we ask the owners where they got the cake, the answer always seems to be: Three Dog Bakery.
For as hyped as humans get with a Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake at a party, the Three Dog Bakery cake has the same affect, but for dogs. They have a variety of different treats like cookies and pupcakes, but they're really known for their birthday cakes. Decorated with the same attention to detail as human cakes, these dog cakes are not only impressive looking, but they're also delicious.
I say that based on how the dogs go at them and not by experience. That was obvious, right?
Markus posing with his bone shaped cake from Three Dog Bakery
At these parties, the owners of the birthday dog will usually bring plates that are passed around to the other dog owners. The cake is cut much like a birthday party and all the dogs get a piece of their own!
As you would expect, dog owners who are unfamiliar with the brand will sometimes ask questions like what ingredients are in them or where the cake came from, etc. Three Dog Bakery is quickly becoming a household name in Vancouver where it's understood that if the cake is from there, it is made with safe and high quality ingredients for your dog. Not just that, but they're so delicious that the dogs will go so far as to licking the plates clean.
Three Dog Bakery celebration cakes come in different flavours - peanut butter, carob chip, carrot cake, wheat-free or grain free - and they came in all shapes, sizes and decorations. Their frosting is usually made of buttermilk or yogurt, sweetened with honey or applesauce. All of these ingredients are safe for your dog to eat!
What puts Three Dog Bakery over the top is the way that their cakes are decorated. The cakes are so beautifully done that if it weren't for the dog theme, you wouldn't be able to tell if cake is for you or for the dog. Seriously, if you're getting a cake that doesn't have a dog theme or design, you better be warning the others in your household!
One of the things that makes Three Dog Bakery truly unique is their customized cakes where they'll make an exact replica of your dog's face as decoration on the cake. We haven't seen one of these in person yet, but we've seen some of their images on Instagram and it's staggering when you consider what it's made of.
In addition to their cakes, Three Dog Bakery also does cookies and pupcakes as well. Both of these come in fun shapes and they're decorated with the same care as their cakes. They're great for those moments when you need something quick or when you want the treats in smaller portions so they're easier to share or give as a gift.
A paw-shaped birthday cake for Markus from Three Dog Bakery
At one of our recent get togethers, someone also brought some treats that were designed to look like little hamburgers and tacos. I'm not exactly sure what was in them and wasn't able to grab a photo because the dogs finished them so quickly!
At the end of the day and as cute as the treats look for humans, it's all about the dogs and do they ever love it. At the parties that we've been to, there's always no problem finishing the cakes off. For Markus' Gotcha Day, we picked one up for him and while we were paying, they let us know that the cake keeps for another week in the fridge and even longer if you freeze it.
If you have a dog birthday or a Gotcha Day coming up, we'd highly recommend checking out Three Dog Bakery. You're going to love all their treats, but more importantly , your dog will love them too!
We’re so grateful for your support of The Markus Project. We mostly choose our locations through searching and word of mouth. If you know of a park, trail or location you think we should check out, please share it with us. We’d love to know!